The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) Board of Directors has adopted its 2019 – 2023 financial plan, which includes a total budget for 2019 of $134.8 million (a net operating budget for the year of $73.9 million and total capital spending of $60.9 million).
“The CVRD delivers 99 services across the entire Comox Valley,” explains CVRD Board Chair Wells. “Each homeowner’s property tax impact will vary depending on the mix of regional district services provided to either the municipality or electoral (rural) area in which their home is located. If residents are unsure what services are provided in their area contact the CVRD at 250-334-6000.”
The budget reflect the major projects underway throughout the region. The list below highlights some of the planned activities budgeted in 2019 as part of the overall 2019 - 2023 financial plan:
General Fund
- Regional Organics Composting Facility - $8.5 million
- Comox-Strathcona Waste Management Landfill Closures - $3.4 million
- Regional Office Building Project - $11.0 million
- Morrison Creek Park Acquisition - $350,000
- Seal Bay Park Upgrades - $350,000
Water Fund
- Comox Valley Water Treatment Project - $16.9 million
- Puntledge River Water Main Repair - $500,000
- Black Creek / Oyster Bay New Water Well – $680,500
- Gartley Road Water Main Upgrade (Royston) - $424,000
Sewer Fund
- Sewer Conveyance Upgrades - $1.0 million
- Equalization Basin Upgrades - $7.2 million
- Compost Facility Expansion at Bevan Road - $4.2 million
These projects are in addition to the regular services provided by the CVRD that includes land use planning, fire protection, electoral areas parks and greenways, building inspection, drinking water treatment and supply, operation of the waste management centres and recreation facilities. For more information on the 2019 – 2023 financial plan and how it affects you please visit and click on the recommended financial plan.
The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.
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Media Contact:
Jennifer Steel
Manager of Corporate Communications