CVRD and Comox Valley Pride offer free pride friendly family swim

The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) and the Pride Society of the Comox Valley are offering a free family all inclusive swim as part of the local annual Comox Valley Pride Week events.

The swim takes place Monday, July 23 from 6:00 to 8:00 pm at the Comox Valley Aquatic Centre, 377 Lerwick Road in Courtenay, and everyone is welcome.

“Offering this community event in partnership with Comox Valley Pride demonstrates our commitment to ensure our facilities are welcoming and inclusive for all of our patrons as well as our employees,” said Senior Manager of Recreation Facilities Jennifer Zbinden. 

As part of its commitment to ensuring a welcoming environment for members of the public and its employees, the CVRD will be reviewing a gender inclusive policy in the coming year which will include the use of gender inclusive signage in its recreation facilities.

“We appreciate the chance to take part in Pride week and look forward to working with our LGBTQ community, as well as other community groups, to create spaces together that make everyone feel welcome in our recreation facilities.” 


Media contact:
Jennifer Zbinden
Senior Manager of Recreation Facilities
Tel: 250-334-9622, ext. 242