CVRD Adopts 2013 Budget


The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) board of directors has adopted the 2013 budget that includes a total consolidated budget of $73.8 million (a net operating budget for the year of $54.7 million).

The consolidated budget includes three funds: general, water and sewer.  The 2013 budget reflects major projects underway in various services in all of the funds.  The table below highlights some of the activities:

Project Details Budget Amount
  Facility improvements to extend the use of the landfill as well as partial closure activities of the Campbell River waste management centre. $2.9 million
  Design and initial construction of landfill improvements at the Comox Valley waste management centre 

$4.8 million


Fire services:

  • fire engine for Black Creek-Oyster Bay
  • quick response truck for Denman Island
  • preliminary design for a new fire hall on Hornby Island



  Royston greenway extension (assisted by community recreation grant)


  Island Corridor Foundation — CVRD's contribution to upgrading E & N rail line


Water Fund    
  Comox reservoir upgrade $502,000
Sewer Fund    
  South sewer project:  electoral area Community Works Funds for treatment plant and collection system to address failing septic  systems in the coreseptic systems in the core areas of Union Bay and Royston, and wastewater treatment issues in Cumberland. 

Business case development, environmental assessment and project planning for the south sewer project.

$2.0 million
  Upgrade to the Courtenay pump station

$2.5 million

These are in addition to the regular services provided by the CVRD that include land use planning, fire protection, building inspection, drinking water treatment and supply, operation of the landfills in the Comox Valley and Campbell River and recreation facilities. The 2013 strategic priorities will be found at  in mid-April.

The 2013 financial plan expenditures can be summarized:

General operations  budget

$ 42.7 million

Member municipal debt transfers

3.2 million

Annual debt charges

5.7 million

Reserve contributions

3.1 million

Net operating budget

54.7 million

Capital budget

19.1 million
Total CVRD consolidated 2013 budget  $  73.8 million

The 2013 financial plan expenditures are summarized:

The 2013 financial plan revenue sources are summarized:


The following table shows the approximate levy based on the average residential assessed values in each area:


2012 Levy

2013 Levy

Area ‘A' Baynes Sound



Area ‘A' Denman-Hornby Islands



Area ‘B' Lazo North


Area ‘C' Puntledge - Black Creek



Comox (excluding sewer) 261 269
Courtenay (excluding sewer) 215 225
Cumberland 190


For more information on taxation (requisition) by jurisdiction or a particular service budget go to, and click on “finance” and then “budgets”.