Facility Closures
The following CVRD facilities remain closed to the public at this time including:
- The Comox Valley Regional District Office at 770 Harmston Avenue
- The Comox Valley Aquatic Centre and Comox Valley Sports Centre
- The Comox Valley Pollution Control Centre
- The rural fire stations of Fanny Bay, Oyster River, Denman and Hornby Island
Annual Recreation Memberships
Residents holding an annual membership pass for the Comox Valley Aquatic Centre and Comox Valley Sports Centre can choose to obtain a credit towards a future pass or get a prorated refund. An email will be sent to current pass holders through the CVRD’s electronic registration system to explain these options. For more information call 250-334-9622.
Changes to Municipal Curbside Collection
To protect waste collection workers, all waste for municipal roadside pickup, including Cumberland, Courtenay, Comox and Royston, must be bagged and securely tied - no loose items should be placed in curbside garbage containers. Your garbage will not be collected if there are loose un-bagged items. This also applies for rural properties with private collection contracts. For questions about this policy please contact Emterra at 250-336-8066.
For more information about waste disposal options, including at the landfill and recycling depots, please visit: www.cswm.ca/covid19
Visitors to CVRD parks are asked to follow public health recommendations to prevent the spread of COVID-19. The following CVRD park facilities have recently been opened to the public:
- Goose Spit Stairs are open for up-hill one-way travel only. Please adhere to 2 metre spacing and stop at pullouts to allow others to pass safely.
- Pinecrest Bike Park is open with physical distancing measures in place.
Please note: No fires are permitted at Goose Spit Park. Beach fire programs have been suspended until further notice at Joe Walker and Little River Crescent Beach.
For more information visit: www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/parks
Recreation Day Camps
The CVRD is working with its municipal partners and the BC Recreation and Parks Association on a plan to re-open our recreation facilities as soon as it is safe to do so. In the interim, programming staff are busy working behind the scenes to provide summer camp options for parents who are seeking childcare this summer.
Visit www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/daycamps for the latest information.
Rural Area Property Taxes
Annual rural property tax notices will be mailed out in late May, with payment due by Thursday, July 2, 2020. Rural property tax notices are issued by the provincial Surveyor of Taxes on behalf of Regional Districts and taxes are therefore paid to the province.
The province is encouraging customers to pay their rural property tax, apply for tax deferment and claim homeowner grants online. If you plan to pay in-person at the Courtenay Service BC office, expect modified hours of operation.
For more information about how to pay your rural area property taxes, visit: www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/propertytaxes
Transit Fares and Annual Passes
On June 1, BC Transit will resume the collection of fares on board Comox Valley busses. Monthly passes and tickets can also be purchased the following ways:
- In-person at Rexall Pharmacy in Comox.
- Phone the CVRD main office at 250-334-6000, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
- Phone the CVRD Sports Centre at 250-334-9622, Monday to Friday from 8:30 am to 4:30 pm.
Tickets and passes purchased over the phone will require a credit card and will be mailed via Canada Post. Please allow 3-5 days to accommodate delivery.
For more information visit: www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/transitalerts
Water Restrictions
The Comox Valley Water System is currently under Stage 1 water restrictions. Lawn and garden sprinkling is permitted only three days per week from 5:00 am to 8:00 am and 7:00 pm to 10:00 pm. To find the watering days for your address and download a summer watering schedule visit www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/restrictions
Water enforcement officers will be active in the community to ensure water restrictions are being followed and to educate residents on the importance of water conservation.
Although enforcement officers will be going door-to-door, they will be practicing proper safety measures during COVID-19. This includes utilizing door hangers to provide contact information to residents, travelling alone in vehicles and maintaining a minimum distance of 2 metres from others.
COVID-19 Updates
The CVRD is continuing to follow the advice of the Public Health Agency of Canada and the Provincial Health Officer to prevent the spread of coronavirus in our community. For the latest updates please visit: www.comoxvalleyrd.ca/covid19
Media Contact:
Christianne Wile
Manager, External Relations
Comox Valley Regional District
Tel: 250-334-6066