Facility Closures
The following facilities continue to be closed to the public to support the Public Health Agency of Canada and the BC Ministry of Health efforts to contain the spread of novel coronavirus (COVID-19) in our community:
- The Comox Valley Regional District Office at 770 Harmston Avenue
- The Comox Valley Aquatic Centre and Comox Valley Sports Centre
- The Comox Valley Pollution Control Centre
- The rural fire stations of Fanny Bay, Oyster River, Denman and Hornby Island
Regional Landfill
The Comox Strathcona Waste Management service (CSWM) is working hard to keep our landfill running while implementing new health and safety standards to protect our employees and the public during this public health crisis.
Residents with access to a municipal curbside collection and recycling program are asked to refrain from using the landfill at this time. Rural residents without curbside pickup should expect delays and limit their visits to yard and essential waste only.
If you or a member of your household has symptoms of COVID-19, do not put your garbage, recyclables or yard waste out for curbside collection until after your quarantine period has ended. Materials like dirty tissues must be placed into a plastic bag within your garbage can for disposal. Be aware that no loose items will be collected.
Don’t forget to check with your municipality or your private provider to determine if there have been any changes to your garbage or recycling pick-up schedule.
For more information visit: cswm.ca/covid19
Sewage Treatment
An increased number of wipes, rags, paper towels and disinfecting products have shown up in our sewer system over the past few weeks. Residents are reminded that flushing anything other than human waste and toilet paper can result in clogged sewer lines and pumps. This could result in blocked up pipes, flooded basements and sewage spills into our environment. Please do your part to protect our sewer system and avoid creating an additional public health risk in the midst of the coronavirus pandemic.
Remember, even wipes labelled flushable will not break down after they enter the system.
For more information about what not to flush and why, visit: comoxvalleyrd.ca/flush
The CVRD is maintaining its rigorous treatment and operating practices to ensure the Comox Valley Water System is functioning at its regular level. No changes have been made to standards of water treatment and business continuity measures have been implemented to ensure this essential service will not be interrupted during the COVID-19 response.
Work on the Comox Valley Water Treatment Project continues with precautions in place to minimize the risks of COVID-19 transmission and illness for workers on site. This is an urgently needed project, which is required to meet provincial standards and ensure clean, dependable drinking water for our community
For more information visit: comoxvalleyrd.ca/water
At this time local parks remain open but we ask that all park visitors respect the health and safety of others by following these important guidelines:
- Respect physical distancing practices and stay two metres (six feet) away from others. This distancing measure does not apply to families or household units.
- Stay and play in your local neighbourhood.
- Clean hands often and do not touch your face.
- Before you go, check your local government website to view the latest facility closures and measures being undertaken to contain COVID-19.
- Please respect the natural setting and don’t leave a trace. This includes not leaving behind painted rocks or fairy forest plastic, man-made items and garbage.
For more information visit: comoxvalleyrd.ca/parks
Bylaw Complaints
Bylaw officers within the CVRD have been tasked by the province to provide education to residents about physical distancing and Provincial Orders that have been put in place to protect the community. Bylaw officers are not empowered to enforce, ticket or detain public health orders.
Local bylaw officers are actively patrolling regional parks and trails and will be completing spot checks within community hot spots and gatherings larger than 50 people will be reported to the Ministry of Health. Residents who are aware of gatherings of over 50 people, have concerns with businesses operating contrary to the Provincial Orders, or general social distancing concerns can report to either bylawenforcement@comoxvalleyrd.ca or publichealth@viha.ca
Transit Service
BC Transit and the CVRD have implemented summer level servicing on all routes as part of a COVID-19 response plan. These changes focus on reducing service to schools and post-secondary institutions. BC Transit is also limiting the number of passengers onboard for physical distancing. Enhanced cleaning, physical distancing procedures, rear door loading and free fares are all in effect.
For more information visit: bctransit.com/covid19
Fire Ban
Comox Valley fire departments have implemented open fire restrictions in the regional fire protection districts in response to COVID-19. Open fires are banned and fire permits will no longer be issued, with the exception of campfires in specific fire protection areas. Contact your local fire department for clarification if you are unsure of the restrictions in your area.
For more information visit: comoxvalleyrd.ca/airquality
Planning Services
Planning applications continue to be reviewed and applicants will be contacted about any necessary scheduling changes. Please note that Planning staff are not undertaking site visits at this time. Contact planning@comoxvalleyrd.ca or call 250-334-6006 to discuss submission of new planning applications.
Building Permits
Building permits continue to be received, processed and issued but delays should be expected. To respect physical distancing, residents are asked to not be on site during building inspections.
Questions can be forwarded to our building services team at building@comoxvalleyrd.ca or call 250-334-6006.
Utility Bills
With many residents feeling financial pressures due to COVID-19 impacts, the Comox Valley Regional District would like to reassure CVRD residents that they will not be charged any late payment fees for utility bills paid by December 31, 2020.
Looking to Learn More?
For regular updates about measures being undertaken to prevent the spread of the COVID-19 coronavirus in the Comox Valley Regional District, please visit: comoxvalleyrd.ca/covid19
Media Contact:
Christianne Wile
Manager, External Relations
Comox Valley Regional District
Tel: 250-334-6066