The Comox Valley Regional District (CVRD) Alternative Approval Process for the Civic Centre regional office building officially begins July 6, 2017 and will be running until 4:30 pm on August 18, 2017. The Civic Centre regional office building will be tax neutral to all residents.
The CVRD office is an extremely important aspect of CVRD operations, offering essential services to residents (water, sewer, parks, recreation and solid waste operations) and housing key assets including IT infrastructure, fleet and corporate records. The current office is problematic due to its flood prone location, inadequate space and expensive lease cost.
“Currently the CVRD leases their facilities for approximately $330,000 per year and since 2004, has been placing $175,000 per year into a reserve fund for a new regional office outside the floodplain,” explains Chief Administrative Officer Russell Dyson. “Instead of paying rent, we will be redirecting these funds towards a debt repayment similar to a mortgage payment. There is no tax increase to residents and we would own a community asset."
The project is estimated to cost 11.7 million dollars. It will be funded through a combination of two million dollars from reserve funds, 1.5 million dollars of grant funding from the electoral areas community works funds, and the remaining 8.2 million through tax neutral long term borrowing. As long-term borrowing is necessary, a loan authorization bylaw is required which must be supported by electors. An alternative approval process (AAP), as approved by the board, will be used as the means to seek the required elector support for the loan authorization bylaw for the construction of the Comox Valley Civic Centre regional office building.
From July 6, 2017 until 4:30 pm, August 18th eligible electors who oppose the project may submit an elector response form to the CVRD. Forms are available from the CVRD office located at 600 Comox Road, Courtenay, BC during regular office hours 8:30 am to 4:30 pm Monday to Friday (excluding public holidays) or from the CVRD website. Original signed elector response forms can be dropped off during regular business hours or mailed. Emailed or faxed copies cannot be accepted. On August 21st, the chief election officer will count the number of submitted forms. If this group makes up more than 10 per cent of the total number of eligible electors in the area, in this case 5055, then the matter is considered opposed by the public and the board will have to conduct a referendum if it still wishes to proceed. If less than 10 per cent of the residents in the area submit forms against the matter, then the matter is considered approved and the board can adopt the bylaw and proceed with the project.
The Comox Valley Regional District is a federation of three electoral areas and three municipalities providing sustainable services for residents and visitors to the area. The members of the regional district work collaboratively on services for the benefit of the diverse urban and rural areas of the Comox Valley.
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Media Contact:
Jennifer Steel
Manager of Corporate Communications