Planning our Sewer Service: ZOOM Webinar

Sep 30
12:00 to 1:00pm
Public Workshops

We have some tough decisions to make. To protect Baynes Sound and prepare for community growth, we need to upgrade our sewer system. Join this webinar for an overview of three shortlisted options for routes for the pipes and pump stations that move our waste to the treatment plant. Costs for implementation of any of these options will be significant for Courtenay and Comox taxpayers and all potential routes will have construction impacts for Comox (Dyke) Road, the downtown Comox area and the Lazo Hill area.

Pre-registration is required for this ZOOM event:

This is an important step in the public consultation for the Comox Valley Sewer Service Liquid Waste Management Plan, which identifies the path forward for the sewer service which services Comox, Courtenay and K’ómoks First Nation. For more, visit