Food Hub Feasibility Study Project Update

Dec 9
3:00 to 4:00pm
Community Event

In 2021 The Comox Valley Regional District and the Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Fisheries partnered to complete a feasibility assessment for establishing a food hub in the Comox Valley.

The feasibility study was completed with input from over 40 business, residents, farmers and interested parties. A business strategy has been identified for the establishment of a local food hub and the CVRD is moving forward with the first step of recommendations in the implementation plan.

CVRD is hosting a free information session on the next steps for the Food Hub project. The information session will include:

  • a progress update on the project;
  • a suggested path forward including how the CVRD will continue to support the process; and
  • information on how to become involved in the project including how to apply to be part of the Stewardship Group.

Register today:

Read the Study & Visit the Project Page